Black Rock Farmer’s Market/More Carrot


More Carrot, a Black Rock farmers market, rocked its fourth year on the playa. We continued to camp inside the French Quarter Village, which allowed us to focus on our offerings more as we were able to work in tandem with the FQ for some of our key infrastructure. Known as a work-hard, play-hard camp, we once again initiated a near-50% virgin camp population with a very hands-on introduction to the 10 Principles of Burning Man. A DC-MD-VA contingent made up about 15 percent of the camp, including the camp's leader. About half of our camp this year was international with a large section of people coming from the US and Canada. Our morning farmers market included whole produce, ready-to-eat salads, and a bicycle-powered blender for making smoothies. Our signature event was the Countless Carrots march in tandem with the Billion Bunnies March. And we hosted our second Very Important Carrots (VIC) dinner for camp alumni, super volunteers and some of our funders.

Year Camp Established: