DC Container Camp


Organized and supported by Camp IAMU and 88, the DC Container Camp arranges for low transport of DC area Burners’ gear to the Playa and back. 2014 was our third  year arranging for a 53’ intermodal shipping container to be loaded up with everything from art installations to domes, enormous sound systems and a million other random things that are usually difficult and expensive to get out to Nevada.

A huge reason for the success of the container is because DC area Burners were amazing in listening to and acting on our recommendations of how to pack their gear into sturdy storage bins whenever possible. This allowed us to get more gear into the container and helped ensure that gear got there and back safely. This, in turn, allowed us to keep prices low (about $8 per cubic foot, sold in 6 cubic foot blocks – round trip).

Main Site:      http://www.dcnotwashington.org/#!dccontainer/ca4p

Q&A:               https://www.facebook.com/groups/dccontainer/

Year Camp Established: