Fwd: Pi Day Pie Party Potluck @ Arlington PEACH

Groups audience: 
Hey all,

I'm hosting a pi-day pie party potluck; y'all are welcome (with rsvp). Details below.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Becca Peckman <rebeccapeckman@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 5, 2020 at 12:40 AM
Subject: Pi Day Pie Party Potluck @ Arlington PEACH
To: Washington, DC Slate Star Codex Meetup <dc-slatestarcodex@googlegroups.com>

Hi everyone,

Please partake of homemade pie at the pi-Day Pie Party Potluck @ Arlington PEACH (where Becca and George host events), 3/14 from 4pm-8pm.

Arlington PEACH
1603 Tenth St. S
Arlington, VA 22204

There is nearby street parking, as well as frequent bus service from Pentagon City Metro.

There are a few ways you may participate in the pi-Day Pie Party: (all require RSVP)

1) Bring any pie you have personally prepared --savory, sweet, pizza, etc.
2) Come early, bring ingredients (check with us first), and help us bake pies, or
3) Rsvp at least 8 hours in advance with a $4π suggested donation (or 4 hours in advance with an $8π suggested donation), and we'll do it for you.

This potluck is strictly for homemade pie --persons with preservative-packed purchased pie shall be pilloried, pillaged, punished, punked, and pulverized.

Please fill out this Google Form to RSVP, as soon as possible.

--Becca & George

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