GLC 2016 Schedule Worksheet for our DC crew (h/t squishelle)

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Hey all,

Just in case you didn't see it, squishelle shared a pretty handy worksheet
of the conference schedule, on pathable. She made it and added a column so
folks with her Vancouver group could use it to better coordinate and spread
out their attendance.

Obviously, we're all going to go the sessions that we are most curious and
passionate about, but just in case anyone might not be so set, this might
help you decide what to check out.

I think just add your name as possible, in Column C. If there is a name
already there, just follow it with a comma and put your name after.

And definitely don't feel obliged to fill this out. Just thought I'd set it
up for anyone who might be interested in using it.

16 more days!! )'(

Nexus / JR Russ - 202.215.9118
Twitter - @AWayofLife0
LinkedIn - RussJR