Still looking for participants for the 2nd quarterly Ten Principles project show, Wed, Jan 4

Groups audience: 

Hey friends and local Burner fam,

We're still looking for participants for our 2nd quarterly Ten Principles
show, Wednesday, January 4. The theme for this is one is "Every New
Beginning" and it's only 5 weeks from today!

If you're interested and can commit not just to the show, but a rehearsal
in December, you're in. You just need to fill out this Doodle poll:

It's going to be at the Busboys and Poets on 14th Street, this time. If
you'd like to see some of the videos from the October show in Brookland
here's a playlist for that:

And if you're on Facebook, here's the event page:

Finally, if you have any questions, just email me directly!

Nexus - 202.215.9118
Twitter - @AWayofLife0
LinkedIn - RussJR