Re: Consent Working Group

Groups audience: 

Hey Burner friends and fam,

I wanted to reach out one more time, regarding the Consent work happening
in our local DC community.

After presenting at the Mid-Atlantic Leadership Conference
and touching base with our regional contacts, I'd like to plan an
informational meeting in January.

This will be to share:

- Main takeaways from the consent survey (thanks to the 30 or so people
who responded)
- What the role and responsibility of the Consent Working Group would be
- And next steps, for those interested in being a part of the CWG.

If you're interested in attending this meeting, please reply to me by the
end of the week, so I can include you on an email to schedule a date and
time in January.

If you already included your email when you filled out the survey, no need
to email me again.

Looking forward to helping move this work forward,

Nexus - 202.215.9118
Twitter - @AWayofLife0
LinkedIn - RussJR