Consent Working Group


Building on the momentum from the DC Burners Consent Culture Statement, a working group was started to focus on what next. To help inform this work, a consent work survey was shared with the community in the summer of 2016 to provide an opportunity for individuals to anonymously share their thoughts and concerns.

On January 30, 2017, members of the community who were interested and available gathered to review survey responses and distill actionable items to work on in the following months and throughout the year.

However, this work was put on pause due to a lack of clarity around expectations and responsibilities, as well as time and energy to commit to this evolving work.

Under Construction

The Consent section of this website will be updated to include notes from meetings, as well as resources the working group has identified to focus on providing.


There are none at the moment. Email DC Regional Contacts at to express your interest in being one.