email address incorrect error

Groups audience: 

Please don't email about this error any longer.
You can reach me at

​ I investigated this situation, and there is a bug in the Yahoo Email App
on IPhone where the "From:" header doesn't get populated correctly.

This message was not sent by a hacker, it was sent by
(in case anyone wants to reply to that message that she sent)

For whatever reason, when your client doesn't see a good email address in
the From: header, it replaces the From information to be your e-mail
address, making the message look as if you sent it, when you didn't.
​ No one else has seen the message looking as if it was sent from you. ​



Instigator for Camp Contact , Mayor for Anahasana
Skype: Darrell_Duane
Phone/Text: +1 202 670 8728