Hey DC Burner fam!
Four years ago, I found myself in E Street Landmark, about to watch Spark,
just a couple of months or so before heading to Black Rock City for the
first time. Four years later, it's definitely my pleasure and privilege to
have a chance to present a screening of yet another Burning Man documentary.
So, good news, we reached the threshold for Tugg to move forward with this
DC premiere! It is DEFINITELY ON! And great news, we're only 7 tickets
away, as of the time of this email, from being sold out. If you're free and
can join us on August 16, you should 🎟 get your tickets now🎟:
And to everyone who's already gotten their tickets and help spread the
word, thank you so much! It absolutely takes a village, and this screening
wouldn't have happened without some communal effort and support,
Nexus - He/Him/His
Phone - 202.215.9118
Twitter - @AWayofLife0
LinkedIn - RussJR