You Say You Want a Resolution -- a forum at Makepeace Manor 12.27.17

Groups audience: 

It's a few days until New Year's Eve, the prime time for RESOLUTIONS. A resolution is a commitment to change; a decision or determination for a course of action.

For some in our Burner community, resolutions may be tied to our relationship with substances. "You Say You Want a Resolution" is a forum for people who are making or considering a substance-related resolution. Substances include alcohol, pharmaceuticals, narcotics, and tobacco. Making such a change is a personal choice but if it's a thought -- it's worth thinking through.

At this forum at Makepeace Manor, we will share openly the resolutions we are considering or committing to, and how we can prepare for success. Topics can include:
* Understanding your goals and motivations in making a resolution
* Determining the resolution you want -- and that you can keep
* Should you share your resolution -- or keep it private?
* Is this something you can tackle alone or do you need a support team?
* What is success and what is failure? If one fails, what next?
* How to share with others that your lifestyle has changed
* Identifying potential pitfalls to avoid
* Accepting that others may not be ready to share or celebrate your progress

We will meet from 7:30 to 9:00 at Makepeace Manor on Wednesday December 27th. You are welcome to drop by early for snacks, non-alcoholic drinks, and conversation, but please be committed to being present and focused for the 90-minute session from 7:30 to 9:00.

This forum will be directed by the participants. Your facilitator hosts are Kate and Brewster. Makepeace Address: 6516 Montrose St. Alexandria, VA 22312. Carriage House (brick building) upstairs. Phone 703/508-4418.

This session is limited to a maximum of 20 participants. Please RSVP, so we can plan space for the appropriate number of folks, to If there is demand we will schedule a second session.

Happy New Year to all!

Brewster von Thyme
von Thyme Productions


Dearest Brewster et al,

I hope I will not be *too* terribly annoying or distasteful if I ask you to
addend, to your worthy cause, the idea of vegetarianism, as quitting meat
is also quitting a harmful substance which harms the consumer, the planet,
and the precious and sentient animal which is in 99 cases out of 100 put
through a tortured life of factory farming, the horrors of which I cannot
stomach; if you consume animal flesh, can you bear to stomach how they are

After all, at a time when our present administration has decreed a
loosening of restrictions on what can be considered organic meat (mmmm,
they no longer have to be free of leisions! Fucking delicious!) There is no
better time than the present to make the ethical and tasty choice of
vegetarianism or even veganism.

Sure, we all have a lifespan and we all die, and when a deer is shot and
quickly killed by a hunter, this may be considered a normal part of the
food chain, and the deer has likely lived nobly and free, only dying at the
last moment - as do we all. But the horrors of factory farming deny an
animal a free and happy life amongst its kind. And don't kid yourself;
factory farming makes up 99% of all sources for meat in the U.S.

Okay, I've probably officially been *that* vegetarian now, and annoyed many
of you, but you know what? I would stand up for my cat's life any day of
the week, and the animals we consume are no difference in intelligence,
emotional sentience, and worthiness of fair treatment than she.

With love and respect,


On Dec 22, 2017 11:14 PM, "brewster" wrote:

> It's a few days until New Year's Eve, the prime time for RESOLUTIONS. A
> resolution is a commitment to change; a decision or determination for a
> course of action.
> For some in our Burner community, resolutions may be tied to our
> relationship with substances. "You Say You Want a Resolution" is a forum
> for people who are making or considering a substance-related resolution.
> Substances include alcohol, pharmaceuticals, narcotics, and toba cco.
> Making such a change is a personal choice but if it's a thought -- it's
> worth thinking through.
> At this forum at Makepeace Manor, we will share openly the resolutions we
> are considering or committing to, and how we can prepare for success.
> Topics can include:
> * Understanding your goals and motivations in making a resolution
> * Determining the resolution you want -- and that you can keep
> * Should you share your resolution -- or keep it private?
> * Is this something you can tackle alone or do you need a support team?
> * What is success and what is failure? If one fails, what next?
> * How to share with others that your lifestyle has changed
> * Identifying potential pitfalls to avoid
> * Accepting that others may not be ready to share or celebrate your
> progress
> We will meet from 7:30 to 9:00 at Makepeace Manor on Wednesday December
> 27th. You are welcome to drop by early for snacks, non-alcoholic drinks,
> and conversation, but please be committed to being present and focused for
> the 90-minute session from 7:30 to 9:00.
> This forum will be directed by the participants. Your facilitator hosts
> are Kate and Brewster. Makepeace Addre ss: 6516 Montrose St. Alexandria,
> VA 22312. Carriage House (brick building) upstairs. Phone 703/508-4418.
> This session is limited to a maximum of 20 participants. Please RSVP, so
> we can plan space for the appropriate number of folks, to
> If there is demand we will schedule a second
> session.
> Happy New Year to all!
> Brewster von Thyme
> von Thyme Productions
> --
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