Playa Del Fuego

Twice yearly: Memorial Day Weekend and Columbus Day Weekend
Townsend, Delaware at the Vietnam Veterans Motorcycle Club
Official Burning Man Regional Events
Event Description: 
Playa del Fuego is a Mid-Atlantic Regional Burning Man Regional event. Events are held every spring and fall, on Memorial Day and Columbus Day weekends in Odessa, Delaware. Playa del Fuego is an experiment in collaborative community, featuring art and music. This community is created by volunteers working together utilizing the Ten Principles of Burning Man as our guide. There are no spectators at Playa del Fuego; everyone collaborates in some way to create the event. It's a place for radical self-expression, acceptance, inclusivity, and respect. Patty Simonton, one of Washington DC’s Regional Coordinators, is the current treasurer for Playa del Fuego. Dove Russon and Damien Masterson, RCs from upstate New York, are also on the Board of Directors for Playa del Fuego.